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Data poisoning attacks

Data Poisoning attacks on Enterprise LLM applications: AI risks, detection, and prevention

Data poisoning is a real threat to enterprise AI systems like Large Language Models (LLMs), where malicious data tampering can skew outputs and decision-making processes unnoticed. This article explores the mechanics of data poisoning attacks, real-world examples across industries, and best practices to mitigate risks through red teaming, and automated evaluation tools.

Matteo A. D'Alessandro
Matteo A. D'Alessandro
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Giskard LLM scan multi-model

[Release notes] LLM app vulnerability scanner for Mistral, OpenAI, Ollama, and Custom Local LLMs

Releasing an upgraded version of Giskard's LLM scan for comprehensive vulnerability assessments of LLM applications. New features include more accurate detectors through optimized prompts and expanded multi-model compatibility supporting OpenAI, Mistral, Ollama, and custom local LLMs. This article also covers an initial setup guide for evaluating LLM apps.

Blanca Rivera Campos
Blanca Rivera Campos
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Why LLM evaluation is important

Guide to LLM evaluation and its critical impact for businesses

As businesses increasingly integrate LLMs into several applications, ensuring the reliability of AI systems is key. LLMs can generate biased, inaccurate, or even harmful outputs if not properly evaluated. This article explains the importance of LLM evaluation, and how to do it (methods and tools). It also present Giskard's comprehensive solutions for evaluating LLMs, combining automated testing, customizable test cases, and human-in-the-loop.

Blanca Rivera Campos
Blanca Rivera Campos
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